In the News

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RISE Delaware Legislative Hall Rally | June 13, 2023

Delaware Online 7/11/24: Op-Ed by Board Members of RISE Delaware

Delaware Online 4/9/23: Guest Commentary by Mary Graham: Analysis raises questions on state's retiree Medicare stance

Delaware Online 2/16/23: Why a seemingly fraught union election has Delaware educators concerned [see section: Why some members say they're ready for change]

Delaware Online 2/11/23: Delaware public employees and public retirees require health benefits | Opinion by Elisa Diller and Connie Merlet

ProPublica 2/2/23: "We're Still Gonna Say No": Inside UnitedHealthcare's Effort to Deny Coverage to Chronically Ill Patient

Bay To Bay News 2/2/23: Guest Commentary by Karen Peterson: State retirees: We only ask for fairness regarding health benefits

The Guardian 2/1/23: 'Seniors are getting ripped off': progressive congressman Mark Pocan on overhauling Medicare

The Orange County Register 1/31/23: Government allows health plans that ripped off Medicare to keep the money

DelawareOnline 1/31/23: How Delaware's rollout of new Medicaid insurer left residents in need without care 1/4/23: Providers say Medicare Advantage hinders new methadone benefit

Bay-toBay News 12/19/22: Delaware benefits committee discusses survey for preferences 12/14/22: Dr. Jack Mayer: Traditional Medicare is under attack

Medicare Rights Center/Medicare Watch 12/8/22: New Report Examines Shift to Medicare Advantage by Large Employers that Offer Retiree Health Benefits

The Nation 12/9/22: It's Time to End the Medicare Advantage Scam

MedPageToday 12/8/22: Should Doctors Warn Patients About the Downsides of Medicare Advantage Plans?

Superior Court Order 10/19/22: The Honorable Calvin Scott's interim Order in favor of RISE Delaware lawsuit

Delaware Online News 10/19/22: Judge temporarily blocks Delaware from changing state retirees' healthcare plan

LegHall LegHall
RISE Delaware Legislative Hall Rally | 10/12/22

Bay to Bay News 10/12/22: Delaware retirees take to Dover to protest Medicare change

Representative John Kowalko's concerns and objections to the legislation proposed by the Delaware General Assembly

Remarks of Karen Peterson, Retired State Senator, at the Wilmington Rally on Tuesday, October 4th.

WDEL News 10/4/22: VIDEO | Delaware retired state workers challenge switch to Medicare Advantage

Delaware Public Media 9/27/22: Retiree advocacy group sues state officials to stop switch to Medicare Advantage plan

VTDIGGER 9/23/22: Vermont State employees gear up for fight over cost-cutting Medicare Advantage plans

News Journal 9/21/22: Despite outcry from Delaware retirees, Medicare Advantage plan will start in 2023

Bay to Bay News 9/15/22: Letter to the Editor: Retiree says math doesn’t compute for new Medicare Advantage plan

Delaware Online 8/12/22: Opinion | Delaware's public retirees must reject Medicare Advantage plan

RISE Delaware™

Retirees Investing in Social Equity


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RISE Delaware

P.O. Box 7262

Newark, DE 19714