RISE Delaware™ Updates

Read and review regular RISE Delaware™ newsletter communications with updates of activities to ensure Delaware retirees continue to receive the healthcare benefits promised in their retirement contracts.

RISE Delaware Update for July 26, 2024 | Litigation Part 1: RISE Attorneys Fully Paid!


RISE Delaware Update for July 1, 2024 | HB 330 (Funding) Passed unanimously on June 30, 2024

RISE Delaware Update for June 27, 2024 | Annoying "Action Letters"

RISE Delaware Update for June 27, 2024 | More Great News - HB 282 is NOW LAW!

RISE Delaware Update for June 26, 2024 | Fantastic News - HB 281 is NOW LAW!

RISE Delaware Update for June 25, 2024 | Attempt to Override Veto of HB 282

RISE Delaware Update for June 25, 2024 | Action Needed! Contact Legislators about SB 282

RISE Delaware Update for June 18, 2024 | Legislative Update for June 18, 2024

RISE Delaware Update for June 15, 2024 | Legislative Update for June 15, 2024

RISE Delaware Update for June 13, 2024 | Legislative News for June 12-13, 2024

RISE Delaware Update for June 7, 2024 | Legislative Update

RISE Delaware Update for June 7, 2024 | Thank You to all legislators

RISE Delaware Update for May 23, 2024 | Great News from Leg Hall!

RISE Delaware Update for May 22, 2024 | How can retirees who don't live in Delaware support the state legislation?

RISE Delaware Update for May 8, 2024 | Senate Executive Committee Hearing on HB350 (hospital charges)

RISE Delaware Update for May 5, 2024 | Important Message from Rep. Baumbach about HB 330 Status

RISE Delaware Update for May 5, 2024 | Action Needed Now on HS 2 to HB 350

RISE Delaware Update for May 5, 2024 | Getting Back In Touch With RISE Delaware!

RISE Delaware Update for May 1, 2024 | Legislative ALERT for May 1, 2024

RISE Delaware Update for April 25, 2024 | Senate Executive Committee Hearing, 4-24-24

RISE Delaware Update for April 18, 2024 | Legislative Update: April 17, 2024

RISE Delaware Update for April 15, 2024 | Legislative Alert HB 350

RISE Delaware Update for April 12, 2024 | Supreme Court Ruling, April 12, 2024

RISE Delaware Update for April 11, 2024 | SEBC Retiree Healthcare Benefits Advisory Meeting on 4/18/24

RISE Delaware Update for April 2, 2024 | Legislative Update

RISE Delaware Update for March 26, 2024 | State Worker United Letter

RISE Delaware Update for March 24, 2024 | Momentous Day Tomorrow!

Newsletter Updates are sent via email to RISE Delaware members and posted online for your review.

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RISE Delaware™

Retirees Investing in Social Equity Delaware

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RISE Delaware

P.O. Box 7262

Newark, DE 19714